Hi, Viewrs For any kind of information regarding “OLA PARTNER, UBER PARTNER, RAPIDO CAPTION, SWIGGY PARTNER, ZOMATO PARTNER, UNCLEDELIVERY PARTNER and like this type of online part time (or) full time “instant earnings” job information please Visit “MANI VLOGS” Youtube Channel. Also he will give tips for your safety while you driving with above Apps. OLA, UBER, Rapido and etc partner jobs would be your own boss type of jobs. So All peoples who are from AP and Telangana, those who are interested in above jobs, so you may please follow him for the related information and your safety tips. Thank you.. All..! and All the best “Manikanta” Garu
youtube handle @manivlogs4u
తెలుగులో – రాపిడో, ఉబర్, ఓలా, మొదలగు జాబ్స్ గురించి ఎటువంటి ఇన్ఫర్మేషన్ కోసం అయినా మనీ వ్లాగ్స్ యూట్యూబ్ నీ ఇప్పుడే ఛానల్ చూసేయండి.