Hi Friends, Here one Hidden Security Alert Feature in ATM Machine to Escape from Thief, lets I explain what is this, working process and usage.
When you entered into a ATM centre for withdraw money, if any Thief find you there and asking you to withdraw money, then you don’t get panic there is one process to escape you without doing any argue with the Thief. Please follow the below mentioned few simple steps in order to send message to security.
How to escape from thief in ATM Centre in Telugu
Steps to escape from thief at ATM centre
1) Please insert your ATM card in ATM Machine
2) Enter your PIN Number in Reverse Manner (for example: if your PIN number is “1234” then you should need to enter it in reverse i.e. “4321”)
3) Now try in this Manner to withdraw some amount from ATM machine.
By entering your PIN number in Reverse order, your withdrawing money will stop at middle and send a security message to nearest Police station without knowing to the thief.
By doing this you can easily to escape from thief in ATM Centre