Talpagiri Ranganatha Swamy Temple Nellore : Talpagiri Ranganatha Swamy Temple Nellore was built on the banks of Pennar river. In this temple Lord Rangantha Swamy is seen within the reclining position on his couch Anantha sesha.
Talpagiri Ranganatha Swamy Temple Legends : The name ‘Talpagiri’ comes from the legend, which says that Adisesha took the form of a hill here, when Lord Maha Vishnu descended to The Earth and rested here. ‘Talpa’ refers to couch of the Serpent Adisesha on which Lord Vishnu reclines.
As per the legend , Lord Maha Vishnua wanted to visit Bhooloka along with His Consort, Goddess Sridevi, so He asked Adisesha to be place of His residence to stay at Bhooloka. Obeying the order of the Lord, Adisesha took the forma of a mountain in this place . Thus the place is called as ‘Talpagiri Kshetra’.
It is believed that when Sage Kashyapa performed Poundarika Yagna on the day of Ekadasi, Lord appeared and blessed him.
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