Hi Friends welcome to “TravelFare. in” in this webpage we are going to explain about how much money you can get for 1000 views on YouTube.
Many people say that 1000 views on YouTube is worth 1 dollar, 2 dollars, 5 dollars. If you get that much amount, no one will be on the roads, Everyone is doing it on YouTube, B-Tech, M-Tech, MS, M-Tech, no one does all this, Everyone is working on YouTube.
YouTube is not as easy as you think, it is not as difficult as it sounds. So, our topic is how much you can get for 1000 views. We will tell you how much you can get for 1000 views with payment proof.
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We can get this much views clearly in our adsense. I am showing you the last 7 days. Suppose, let’s say we get 4,45,000 views on Sunday, December 11th. If we get 4,45,000 views, we will get 95,280 ads. If we get 4,5 lakh views, we will get 1 lakh ads. If we get 1 lakh ads, 11,000 people will be connected to that ad. We will get 89 dollars for clicking on that ad.
Many people ask why we get 1 lakh ads when we get 4,5 lakh views. We should get ads for everything, we have already turned on monetization. So, ads will not be displayed for every view. You should keep that in mind. Some people take our video and embed it in other websites. It is good to embed it in other websites, we will get views. But, it will not bring revenue. We will get traffic through other websites
But, it will not bring revenue. It will be very less . That is one point . Another point is, suppose someone watched 50-60 videos from morning till evening. Suppose he watched 61 videos. After watching 60 videos, we will not get ads for 61 videos. After watching 10 videos, we will not get ads for 11 videos. If you watch many videos from 11 videos, you will not get ads for those videos. Ads will not be displayed from some countries
The rate will be less when we watch ads from some countries. It will be more when we watch ads from some countries like USA and Germany. So, we should base all these on the fact that. Did he watch ads from mobile, laptop, tablet or computer. Did he watch ads from YouTube page, YouTube app or other website. There are different factors like time
When did he watch ads?
If he watched in the morning, it will be one rate. If he watched in the afternoon, it will be another rate. The ad rate will change every minute. So, the ad will depend on the cost, the ad is cheap, is it skip, non-skippable, display or sponsor. It will depend on many factors. So, at that time, which ad is on the screen, that ad will be displayed on YouTube. So, it will be very late. If the ad is displayed more than 50% of the time, it will not display ads. So, it will be very clear
Next, if the ad is displayed only for 537000 views and 132000 ads. Then, it will be clicked by 10000 people. If the ad is clicked, it will be connected to the video or any other ads. It will cost 92 dollars . If we see like this, we can see that for 5 lakh views, it will cost 500 dollars . If it is 1000 views, it will cost 1 dollar. According to my calculation, the average income of YouTube will be 30 to 40 dollars. That is the thing you all should observe. Because, all the reasons I have told you are the reason for it. It will depend on many factors. If we think that 1000 views will cost 1 dollar, it is very difficult to earn money on YouTube
If we think that it is good to earn 30 dollars for 1 lakh views
Suppose, we earn 30 dollars for 1 lakh views. We have to give 45% to YouTube . That 45% will be taken by YouTube. Suppose, you are in MCN. You have to give 45% to YouTube. You have to give 30% to MCN. It will be very less when it comes to you.
This is what happens . So, what you all should observe is . The income in YouTube is not that easy . Many people think that if they watch a video, it will have 1 lakh or 2 lakh views. If it gets 5 lakh or 6 lakh views. They will not get that much amount . If the video gets 5 lakh views, it will cost 100 dollars. According to my estimation. 100 dollars is 6000. To reach 6 lakh people, they have to make the video powerful. They will have to work hard. They will have to work hard for making the video. No one knows that . Even if it does not come in a month . They will get the views after a month. They will get the investment they have made. They have to make short films
So, who is coming low in income?
Some people are asking me, I got 1000 views, but I did not get 1 dollar, It shows 0. 5 or 0. 3, That is why this is the matter. YouTube does not clearly say that it will get this much or that much. So, you can base your information and make videos. Keep this in mind Friends, you also do your adsense earnings Watch carefully. You will also understand how much you will get, It will be very clear in that sense Also Educate your friends because Many people think that all are earning crores
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Have a nice day..
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