Here below you can find “Dhoki” Toll Plaza Toll Fare for All Vehicles, Stretch, Tollable Length and Contact Details.
Dhoki toll plaza (ढोकी टोल प्लाजा) Information
Address : MH MSH 2, Kaknewadi, Maharashtra 414304
Capital Cost : 125.83 Cr.
Cumm. Toll Revenue : 19401904.00 Cr. As on date 31-Aug-2019
Toll Gate Name : Dhoki (Public Funded)
One of Toll Plazas on : 178.100 – NH-NH 222 (New 61) in Maharashtra
Stretch : Malshej Ghat to Ane Ghat (Km 161.212 to Km 211.000) two lane section in Ahmednagar District in the state of Maharashtra
Tollable Length : 59.474 Km(s)
Dhoki ( Public Funded ) Toll Gate Fare (Charges) for all type Vehicles
Fee Effective Date : 01-Apr-2022 / Due date of toll revision : 31-Mar-2023
Single Journey : 40.00
Return Journey : 60.00
Monthly Pass : 1380.00
Commercial Vehicle Registered within the district of plaza : 20.00
Single Journey : 65.00
Return Journey : 100.00
Monthly Pass : 2230.00
Commercial Vehicle Registered within the district of plaza : 35.00
Single Journey : 140.00
Return Journey : 210.00
Monthly Pass : 4675.00
Commercial Vehicle Registered within the district of plaza : 70.00
Upto 3 Axle Vehicle
Single Journey : 155.00
Return Journey : 230.00
Monthly Pass : 5100.00
Commercial Vehicle Registered within the district of plaza : 75.00
4 to 6 Axle
Single Journey : 220.00
Return Journey : 330.00
Monthly Pass : 7330.00
Commercial Vehicle Registered within the district of plaza : 110.00
Single Journey : 220.00
Return Journey : 330.00
Monthly Pass : 7330.00
Commercial Vehicle Registered within the district of plaza : 110.00
7 or more Axle
Single Journey : 270.00
Return Journey : 400.00
Monthly Pass : 8920.00
Commercial Vehicle Registered within the district of plaza : 135.00
Dhoki ( Public Funded ) Toll Gate Details
Date of fee notification : 18-Feb-2019(Sr No. – S.O. No 869 (E) dt. 14.02.2019)
Commercial Operation Date : 21-Feb-2019
Fee Rule : NA
Capital Cost of Project (in Rs. Cr.) : 125.83
Concessions Period : NH-222 is constructed by PWD and handedover to NHA
Design Capacity (PCU) : NA
Traffic (PCU/day) : 79121 As on : 03-Sep-2018
Name of Concessionaire / OMT Contractor : Two lane with paved shoulder Road has been constructed by PWD GoM on EPC and transfer to NHAI for To
Name / Contact Details of Incharge : Ms Shiva Industrial Security Agency (Gujarat) Lt / 7020792248
Important links
The rate of monthly pass for local non commercial vehicles residing with in a distance 20 KM from the toll plaza for the FY 2022-23 shall be 315/-.
Important Information
Helpline No. :
Ambulance –9922096239
Route Patrol-9922096239
Emergency Services : 9922096239
Nearest Police Station : Parner Police Station / 02488221533
Highway Administrator (Project Director) : Shri P B Diwan / 08007410095
Project Implementation Unit(PIU) : PIU Ahmednagar
Regional Office(RO) : RO Mumbai
Representative of Consultant
Representative of Concessionaire : Sh Ashok Metkari / 9881813119
Nearest Hospital(s) : Rural Hospital Takli Dhokeshwar, Phone Number : 02488282230
If any more details regarding above topic, please tell us through below comment session.
Sorry to inform you that while passing thru your toll plaza your toll person has recover double payment though our acxount has shown 110 rs bal. However fast tag rule says that it is not mandetary to keep bal. Though there is negative bal it can be recover from concern account. Mimimum bal requirement is removed by the Govt.
Pl look into and resolve issue
The details are
Vehicle no MH43AN2591
Recpt no 442073
Dt 20/10/2021
Lane 6
First shift time 6:32:58
Whenever ww r going thru this route this is happening. So please comply with the rule else we have to file PLI
Sorry to inform you that while passing thru your toll plaza your toll person has recover Adjustment Entry/DISP/DR-ADJ-payment though our account. And this is happened second time with me and after complain raised we get refund but it should not be happened regularly
Pl look into and resolve issue. Whenever we are going thru this route this is happening. So please comply with the rule else we have to file PLI
The details are
Vehicle no MH05 EJ9910
27-May-2022 11:42:00 AM MDR/536600213/Adjustment Entry/DISP/DR-ADJ-270522/0010032205251502104811/MH05EJ9910/25-05-2022/3:02:10PM
24 hours me return hone per bhi dusre din 25 rupees kat liye mere fastag account se
Sorry to say mi Aaj toll warun Jatana maz fast tag ne toll online cut zala parantu yetanane mazykade fastag balance nahi ase sangun 90rupaye toll akkarnyat alay parntu mazaya fastagwar 155rupye balance hota warun mi 200rupaye recharge Marla mhnje Mazi apnakadun faswnuk zali ahe tari apan याकडे लक्ष द्यावे माझी 90रुपये जादा आकारण्यात आले transation आयडी 0015date 19/08/2023time 9.39.41lane no 1sift2
Sorry to inform you that while passing thru your toll plaza your toll person has recover Adjustment Entry/DISP/DR-ADJ-payment though our account without retiring through the same toll plaza. And this is happened five to six times with me even after complain raised no ammount is refund yet. It is happening regularly on your toll, why?
Pl look into and resolve issue. Whenever we are going thru this route this is happening. So please comply with the rule else we have to file PLI. I am giving here the current issue only.
The details are:22/08/2023 13:31:36 22/08/2023 13:31:36 1900001018 2326 Adjustm ent Chargeback Debit Adjustment for the Standard Toll Charge Transaction dated 19-082023 13:18:43 with RRN 00100223081 91318576329.Rs.25/- for MH17AZ2788. I have gone through this toll plaza on 19/8/2023 at13:18:43 but adjustment amount is deducted on 22/8/2023.
Hello there is False Transaction from Dhoki Toll plaza debit from First IDFC bank Fast Tag .on 30/12/23 at 09:13 am morning.Opereter had entered wrong vehicle no,whic my car is at my home.pls return it request you.
माझी गाडी नेरळ या ठिकाणी घरी पार्क केलेली असताना देखील 20₹ माझ्या फास्ट टॅग वरून रिटर्न टोल रक्कम कपात झालेली आहे.हा काय गोंधळ आहे.मी दि.6जुलै रोजी रीतसर तक्रार दाखल करणार आहे पोलीस स्टेशनला .
विष्णू नागरगोजे MH 01BB 2932