About RTC Tirupati to Tirumala Travelling : in General Every day there are around 40 Thousands of Peoples travelling to Tirumala from Tirupathi in RTC Busses only. All those peoples withh catch Tirumala busses from Tirupati, Mangalam, Aliperi Bus Diport. APSRTC will cover 1200 Trips from Tirupati to Tirumala Every day on demand the trips could be increased to 1500 Trips.
Here below you can find Tirupati RTC Bus stand (or) Tirumala Bus Stand to Tirumala Devasthanam Bus Fare as well as find Alipiri Toll Gate Charges for all your private vehicles like two-wheeler, Car, Bus etc.
There are nearly “42 – Express” busses and “718 – Saptagiri Express” Busses available every day to travel.
Distance : 23KMs
Depot : Alipiri (Hire Bus)
Vehicle Number : AP39-UL-1886
Tirupati to Tirumala Bus Fare (తిరుపతి నుండి తిరుమల వరకు బస్సు చార్జీ)
ఓం నమో వేంకటేశాయ
Bus Fare
For ADULT : Rs.90/-
For CHILD : Rs.50/-
UP & DOWN (90+90 = 180) = Rs.180/- (Rs.160/-) – Rs.20/- Discount for Up and Down Ticket
Tirupati to Tirumala RTC Bus fare
Ticket Fare for Saptagiri Express
For Children : Rs.50/- Recently hilk upto Rs.45/- | Again Hike upto Rs.50/-
For Adult : Rs.90/- Recently hilk upto Rs.75/- | Again Hike upto Rs.90/-
Conducter Ticket Print Machine
రెండు నెలల్లో రెండు సార్లు పెరిగిన తిరుపతి – తిరుమల బస్సు టికెట్ ధర
Note : The above Hike charges was done by APSRTC within Two Months 2 Times Charges hiked by the Government.
Tirumala TO Papavinashanam (Sap Exp)
Tirupati TO Kanipakam (Express)
TPT bus station TO Thiruchanur (City Ordinary)
TPT railway station TO Thiruchanur (City Ordinary)
Note : The above Ticket Fare little bit higher as per recent updated Charges so the above is not exactly but its near by fare (Present bus ticket fare some higher then from 1 Rupee upto 10 Rupees)
Aliperi Toll Gate
Alipiri Toll Gate Fare
Alipiri Toll Plaza Rates for All type of Vehicles
Vehicle v/s Revised fee (pre trip)
Two-Wheeler : No Fee
Car : Rs.50/-
Jeep, LCV : Rs.50/-
Taxi 5+1 Capacity : Rs.50/-
Taxi 8+1 Capacity : Rs.50/-
Mini-bus, LCV (2 axle) : Rs.100/-
Goods carrier : Rs.100/-
Crane, container truck : Rs.200/-
Bus, truck (3 axle) : Rs.200/-
Truck (4, 5, 6 axle) : Rs.200/-
For any queries regarding above topic, tell us through below comment session.
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